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Ph.d. Research Center- Mrs. Surabhi Bhuskute’ Ph.d. defence via and declaration of award of Ph.d. Guide: Dr. Sateeshchandra Joshi

Ph.d. Research Center- Mrs. Surabhi Bhuskute’ Ph.d. defence via and declaration of award of Ph.d. Guide: Dr.Sateeshchandra Joshi A final defence Viva voce for Ph.D. of Mrs.Surabhi Bhuskute was held in PUMBA on Monday, 10th December 2018. She successfully defended her topic of research. She was awarded Ph. D. under
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College Development Committee Meeting was held on 6th December 2018 at 4.00 p.m. at Conference Room of VIIT. Hon’ble Adv. Mr.Ashok Prabhune, Vice President and Ho’ble Mr.D.R. Unde, Secretary of Vidya Pratishthan attended the meeting along with Teaching and non-teaching representatives. The students’ representative
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IQAC Meeting was held on 1st December 2018 at 10.30 a.m. at Conference Room of VIIT. Industry Representatives Mr. Dhananjay Jamdar and Mr. Ashish Pallod attended the meeting along with Mr. Rajiv Shah. Teaching and non-teaching representatives also attended the meeting. The meeting had focused and purely academic
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