Celebration of “World Entrepreneurs’ Day (Udyamita Diwas)”

Celebration of “World Entrepreneurs’ Day (Udyamita Diwas)”

Celebration of “World Entrepreneurs’ Day (Udyamita Diwas)” – 21 August 2024
Vidya Pratishthan’s Institute of Information Technology (VIIT), Baramati celebrated “World
Entrepreneurs’ Day (Udyamita Diwas)” with enthusiasm on 21 August 2024 in association with
“Entrepreneurship Development Cell and Institution’s Innovation Council”. On this occasion Mr.
Sunil Pawar, Agricultural Entrepreneur and Chairman of Agricultural Produce Market
Committee Baramati, Mr. Suresh Parkale, Founder of Swaraj Enterprises Baramati, Mr. Amar
Jadhav, Founder of Golden Sports Baramati and Mr. Kunal Zagde, Founder of Nature Made
Food Industries were invited. While delivering the welcome address, Dr. Anand Deshmukh
Director, VIIT expressed his thoughts about the opportunities related to entrepreneurship and the
skills required to be a successful entrepreneur. Mr. Sunil Pawar, Mr. Suresh Parkale, Mr. Amar
Jadhav and Mr. Kunal Zagde, unfolded their entrepreneurial journey with the students of MBA
and MCA Departments.

During this journey, they made a deep analysis of the difficulties they experienced and how they
overcame those difficulties successfully. Mr. Sunil Pawar guided about the current situation in
agriculture business as well as many additional businesses related to agriculture. With his rich
experience, he provided in-depth information about technology based agriculture in India and
abroad. Mr. Suresh Parkale narrated his journey in the furniture business, the efforts required to
fulfill the expectations of the customers and the availability of skilled manpower. Mr. Amar
Jadhav, Director, Golden Sports, guided the students about the challenges faced as an
entrepreneur and the tricks to overcome them. Mr. Kunal Zagde narrated his experience to the
students on how to complete the relevant documentation while starting a new business. All these
entrepreneurs gave pertinent answers to the questions of the students.